300,000 American soldiers died in WWII defending your freedom from an oppressive government. 750,000 died in the Civil War defending your right to freedom from an oppressive state government. Many more have died since.
Why would you accept an EU-style all-powerful government bureaucratic dictatorship today when we (UK, US, Belgium and France) kicked the Germans out of power twice already? Because you got a scary cough?
I’d rather die than go back to the EU and their inane taxes and regulations, because that’s the only way you’ll get a government large enough to manage tracking down every citizen with a weird cough.
People point out how well China and South Korea handled the crisis - they’re also de-facto dictatorships, the government doesn’t have to ask permission to board you into your house and shove a mask up your face. South Korea doesn’t have protections in place for ‘colored people’ or gays or Christians. China will simply disappear you if you talk too loud.